Virgo in Relationships – II

Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers,   This blog article is about Virgo’s & how they are in relationships. RELATIONSHIPS VIRGO ————-VIRGO This is an enduring relationship as long as you are not too alike. Both of you are over-critical, worriers, with no one wanting to make the difficult decisions. Ensure…

Virgo in Relationships – I

Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers, Welcome to the next in the Relationship Series with the Virgos… Virgo…..Relationships. A Virgo is practical, finicky, intellectual, a perfectionist and a chronic worrier. Soft natured and peace-loving  they have an inherent desire to please everyone. Virgo people are family oriented, very loyal, caring, adjusting,…

Cancer in Relationships (II)

Dear Isheeria Healing Circles Readers, Here is Part II of Cancer in Relationships from our new series on the Relationships each zodiac shares with those from the other zodiacs. We hope you Enjoy these insightful little articles – Do leave your comments & Likes 🙂 Let us know if there is…

Cancer in Relationships (I)

Dear Isheeria Healing Circles Readers, We are starting a new series from now on the Relationships each zodiac shares with those from the other zodiacs. We hope you Enjoy these insightful little articles!   Cancer ~ Relationships A Cancerian is sensitive, emotional, sensual, moody, insecure, kindhearted, sentimental, nostalgic, protective and…

Gemini (1 – 20 June)

Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles REader, If you are born between 1st June- 20th June you are a Gemini, and ruled by Mercury and Moon. Together, these two planetary influences make you impulsive and rash, and at the same time very emotional. Unlike other combinations these two don’t pull you in…

Gemini (21-31 May)

Dear Isheeria Healing Circles Readers, If you are born between 21ST May- 31st May  you are a Gemini, and a “true” child of Mercury, meaning that Mercury alone has a very strong influence on you. As a child of Mercury you excel at all forms of communication and have a…

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