Welcome to A to Z of Healing with Isheeria’s Healing Circles.
C is for Chakra Healing
In Healing, one of the first things I learnt is that we are not just physical bodies. We each have a subtle energy field known as the aura, and we are as much spiritual and ethereal beings as we are physical.
The Aura interacts with the physical body through Chakras, which are concentrated spirals of energy. Simply put, chakras are the organs of the subtle body, they are the wheels of energy throughout the body.
The concept of Chakras came from our ancient Indian culture, and the information available today is from the Upanishads.
There are seven (7) main chakras, and numerous smaller chakras. Each chakra affects the physical and emotional well being. It is associated with a particular endocrine gland.
Chakras are associated with certain Colors, Beej (seed) mantra, Planets & Deity, etc.
Chakras do for our energy, similar to what the heart does for our blood. That is, Chakras gives the body good energy, and disposes of unwanted, negative, diseased energy.
When the chakras are imbalanced, then one feels tired and out of sorts emotionally (the emotional imbalance you feel is in relation to the chakra which is not in balance).
You can Heal and Balance your chakras through many different methods – such as: Meditation & Chanting the Beej (seed) Mantra of that chakra, Aromatherapy using Essential Oils, Colors, Crystals, Yoga, Reflexology & my favourite offcourse, Reiki Healing. When correctly done, all these methods are effective in bringing the Chakras into balance.
 Some Easy Tips you can do for yourself to Heal your chakras –
Healing Chakras with Food –
Eating Red colored fruits and vegetables can restore an underactive Root Chakra.
But if you have an over-active Root Chakra (physical manifestations may be seen as skin conditions like eczema), the you must avoid them (especially red chilli peppers and chillies and spices).
Eat Banana (in moderation) to calm the Solar Plexus chakra
Carrots, pumpkins, oranges and peaches balance the sacral chakra and nourish the body
Blue & Purple foods bring balance to the higher chakras.
Green Foods/ Green Vegetables taken as salads or slightly cooked cleanse and balance the whole body.
Heal your Chakras with Chanting the Beej (Seed) Mantra –
A quick & easy way to cleanse and balance your chakra is to recite the Beej Mantra seven times on seven breaths for each chakra.Â
Do this everyday for one week to start seeing and feeling the difference.
Name of Chakra |
Color Associated with the Chakra | Beej Mantra (Pronun
ciation) |
Emotional/ Psychological Function |
Muladhara (The Root Chakra) |
Red | LAM (LAHM) |
Being Grounded. Survival instinct. |
Svadisthana (The Sacral Chakra) |
VAM (VAHM) | Being in touch with your own emotions & feelings |
Manipura (The Solar Plexus) |
Yellow | RAM (RAHM) | Self-Pride & Wisdom |
Anahata (The Heart Chakra) |
Green | YAM (YAHM) | Love & Compassion |
Vishuddha (The Throat Chakra) |
Blue | HAM Â (HAHM) | Communication |
Ajna (The Third Eye Chakra) |
Indigo | OM (OHM) | Intuition |
Sahasrara (The Crown Chakra) |
Violet | OM (OHM) | Spirituality |

Clairvoyants, highly intuitive people and Healers are able to see/ feel the chakras, see the colors and speed of spinning of the Chakras and do a diagnosis of the person’s emotional and physical well-being.
I would love to read your thoughts – Leave me a comment below.
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Blessed Be!
Ishieta @ Isheeria’s
Read more about me & my theme here or About Us to know our purpose.
In case you missed it, you can also read the complete series of A to Z of Healing.
For one to one consultation, please email: isheeria@gmail.com
This post is part of the #AtoZChallenge with a-to-zchallenge.com. Linking to TheBlogchatter & Ultimateblogchallenge Day 4.
I had no idea that eating certain foods could work on the Chakras. Once again, I go back with the gift of knowledge after reading a post by you. Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thank you Mayuri 🙂 I am so happy you are enjoying this series.
I had no idea food and colours could also help with chakra balancing
Yes 🙂 Thank you for visiting Ridhii
Chakra healing is ancient science.Balance of the chakras is infact based in real science.Great that you are spreading awareness
Good point Amrita 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
Good thing I like salads and vegetables and can handle the spicy stuff. Diet is far more important to our overall health than most people realize.
Agreed! Thanks Alex for dropping in 🙂
I’ve often heard about Chakras, but never really know what they are and what they do. Thanks so much for this post 🙂
The Old Shelter – 1940s Film Noir
I am glad you liked it 🙂 thanks for stopping by.
Amazing post Ish- so much I also didnt know about Chakra balancing though I do practice balancing it with Reiki. You must plan your ebook for sure after this challenge is over – this is amazing stuff!!
Theme: Peregrination Chronicles (travel)
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Thank you so much Shalini 🙂 That’s very sweet of you.
Everything in our universe is radiating energy, from the biggest mountain or ocean, to the tiniest blade of grass, to each individual cell in our body. All of our cells emit energy in different ways, and different cells will emit different kinds of energy depending on where they are located within the body and what their job is. It should come as no surprise, then, that given the specialized nature of your body’s energy, there are several different channels located on key points of the body through which energy can flow in and out in a constant stream. But while the concept of chakras was new for me (and still manages to evade scientific proof), it has existed for thousands of years and across cultures. It has been studied and demonstrated time and again in the Ayurvedic and yogic traditions, as well as through the Chinese concepts of qi and meridians.
I was given one of these mantras as part of my meditation & chanting.But i did not realize that it was associated with Chakras healing. I guess there is still so much more to know & learn!!
I learnt about chakras long ago when I learnt Reiki. Then few years back I was introduced to the various kinds of Pranic Healing. I’m truly amazed by this form of energy healing. One of my posts lined up in this #AtoZChallenge is on Chakras too. So glad to have learnt about the association of mantras with chakras.
wow..I knew little bit about the chakras but didn’t know that specific food have a lot to do with it. thanks for spreading awareness about this ancient practice.
Though I had a basic idea about different chakras but I did not know that food and chakras are closely related and we can influence them by eating different foods. thanks for sharing this wonderful info.
I knew about Chakras and healing but I did not know that foods could heal the chakras and maintain their energies. Learned a lot from your post. Thanks a lot!
Being a spiritual healer myself I know about the Chakra and yes colour therapy also help in this is a very well researched and written article
wow..this is really interesting ..didn’t know food has such a great impact on our chakara’s. Will go back and read it again..this time to remember. Thanks for sharing dear.
Food helping in healing our Chakras is a new thing for me. This is indeed interesting and would explain why we feel happy or sad after eating something.
I really have no clue about what a chakra is or what exactly you are guiding us about but with your post im now improving my Solar plexes chakra and going to eat a banana.
In fact , Modern thinking is that these chakras are actually the ëndocrine glands starting from the Hypothalamus , Pituitary gland down to the sexual glands.
I am reading a basic book on chakras and how we can self heal. Your post has cleared some of my doubts.
This is such a treasure of information. I have only heard name of chakras rest all is knowledge for me.
This is new for me, I had no clue about the chakras and their healing powers. This form of science/art is out of my understanding hence, I am ignorant. Your posts are very useful for me understanding how the universe helps us with starts, and surroundings.
All these are very new things for me . Never heard about all these chakras and food relationship. Thanks for this amazing post.
I had no idea Food could have an effect on our Chakras this way. This was such an insightful read. I didn’t know about many facts about Chakras. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you for introducing about the food and color association with chakras. Curiosity bug has already bitten me and I have to read the A to Z of Healing book now.
I have heard about balancing chakras but never in such detailed way .I never knew food has impact in chakras. Would like to try Beej chakra that you mentioned .Great post
I knew about chakras Ish but their association with food is so new to me. This article enriched my knowledge thanks a lot for sharing
Chakra and its way to make life more blissful was known to me, though the importance of food and the effective usage was new learning through this post.
And I thought I know enough about healing 🙂 You busted my myth.I never knew about chakras connected to colours of food we eat. Will now on be mindful of everything i pop in.
Wow, this is totally new information to me, I just knew that our body has 7 chakras which depict the aura of a person. But had no idea that one can heal the chakras and restore the energy balance too. Thanks for sharing, would love to read more on this.
This is quite an informative post Ishieta My father despite being a doctor of alternative medicine I do not possess this knowledge of Chakras.. I will incorporate the foods suggested by you according to my problem area
This is such a helpful post. Hear about chakras and ayurveda and our rich history of remedies, foods and colorful spices. How little did we know that there is a deep-rooted science to our culture. Thank you so so much.
I know about chakra but not too deep. love the post. specially when it describe what each chakra means and how you can improve by food.