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4th February marks the beginning of a new Chinese new year – the year of the Yang Wood Dragon ( Jia Chen) and also the beginning of a new period in Feng Shui.

In Flying Star Feng Shui there are 9 periods altogether. Each period lasts for 20 years.
2024 sees the ending of Period 8 and the beginning of Period 9.
Period 9 is from 2024 to 2044 (20 years).

There is a major shift in the energies of Period 8 to the energy of Period 9, although in the last year or so of Period 8 (2022/2023) we have begun to see the influence of the Number 9 star starting.

Now gradually we will begin to see the 9 Star’s influence becoming stronger and the influence of the 8 Star declining.

Period 8 symbolized the Earth element, thus giving us some basic stability. Period 9 symbolizes Fire energy, and thus is a very volatile energy. On the one hand it will propel us higher and faster, but it also contains the potential of burning out.

The 9 star Li will hold sway in the centre of the house, and if you have an open plan – it’s energy will permeate throughout the house/office. Hence, one has to be careful in our placement of cures and enhancements – especially those related to the Water and Fire elements.

Adding the Fire element (the colors red, orange, purple and triangular shapes, candles, etc.) will add more energy to the people in that sector and to the environment there as well. But too much of it can also destroy – with frayed tempers, increase in violence and of actual and metaphorical fires.

Adding the water element (blue, black colors, wavy shapes, pools, aquariums, etc.) will tone down the Fire energy. Too large a body of water will totally douse the Fire energy, and the vitality of the individual and the environment.

The 9 Star is associated with the South sector, and is connected to your name, fame, and recognition, hence, how you handle it will make all the difference.

The best enhancer is to use the Wood energy to nurture the Fire energy, but in a gentle manner and not make it over-powering.

To add Wood – add green color, plants, flowers, green leaves, etc.

In Period 9 the 9 Star has flown into the centre sector and which is Earth energy, hence it will prove to be auspicious as Fire nurtures Earth.

Do remember – Balance is the Key to Feng Shui.

Another factor to keep in mind is the Annual Flying Stars, as their energy will influence the energy of the Period 9 Stars in any sector.

Contact us for a personalized Feng Shui Reading for your House and Office to help  you take the maximum benefit of Period 9 – 2024 – 2044 and bring prosperity and good luck into your life.
Read more about doing Feng Shui for your space/Home/Office HERE.


2024 CHART

Blessed Be!