Being Mindful that is Mindfulness is simply, “being in the moment”.
Am I oversimplifying it? Actually not! Mindfulness is “Being Mindful” is actually quite simple and straightforward, however, we the over-thinking (I say this kindly) people, have made it into a complicated and difficult state to be in. So much so, some even equate Mindfulness to being a Skill!
Being Mindful that is Mindfulness is simply, “being in the moment”. - #isheeria Share on X
THREE aspects of Mindfulness
There are three parts to being Mindful:
1. Intention
What is your intention behind wanting to practice mindfulness?
Do you want to be more aware of yourself? Reduce stress? want more emotional balance?
Your intention is a strong motivator for your daily practice of mindfulness.
2. Attention
Mindfulness is about paying attention. Paying attention to both what is going on around you, and also, what is going on inside of you.
You become more aware of your surroundings as well as your inner dialogues as you practice being mindful.
3. Attitude
As you practice mindfulness, you also pay attention to your attitude.
Your attitude, approach, and perspectives all come under your own radar as you pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
BONUS TIP: Pay Attention to how you speak with yourself!
Be Kind, Be Gentle, Smile at yourself.
Ever wondered how mindful you are in your everyday routine?
Researchers use is a 15 item questionnaire to measure mindfulness called the Mindful Awareness Score (MAAS). You can download this FREE Quiz here.
Benefits of Being Mindful / Practicing Mindfulness:
Mini – Break
Practicing mindfulness is a mini-break for your mind from all the thinking & worrying we are constantly doing (sometimes you feel like the wheels of your brain are turning and churning all the time!)
Helps Reduce Stress
Stress, whether you realize it or not, is taking its toll on your health, well-being, and chakras.
(sign up for the newsletter if you would like to learn easy ways to Heal yourself and take care of your well-being).
Mindfulness can change and save your relationships
Relationships are beautiful and complex. Whether between partners, family members, or friends.
Sometimes, a word said in haste can cause much regret and miscommunication and then hours of straightening things out. Mindfulness can help change how you respond (instead of react) and can save your relationships.
Read a helpful article about this on EverydayGyaan here.
Reduces Sadness
As we practice mindfulness, we become more present in the NOW, and stop living so much in the past, the future, and in our worries.
“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone” – Alan W. Watts
Increases Focus Levels
We tend to fully engage in what we are doing because as we become more mindful, we become more aware of the present moment, more aware of what IS NOW.
We zero in on what IS, and ignore the rest. This results, in higher focus levels (and in my experience, an immersive experience in the activity you are involved in! I find I am single-minded and at peace during the task – resulting in a better quality of output, taking lesser time, and being happier with the whole experience)
Increases Happiness
Over time, you will find as you practice being mindful, that:
Firstly, mindfulness becomes a way of being for you
And, secondly, that you are free from distraction and judgments. While you are aware of your thoughts and feelings, you do not get caught up in them (and swept away in a tide).
Think of it as, the ability to take a step back, see clearly what is in front of you, and then being able to take considered action and initiate thoughtful dialogues.
I like to think of it as having space in my brain J to think! Before I act!
Is Happiness a subject that interests you?
Check out these articles by some excellent writers as they talk about Happiness!

METHOD – 5 Easy methods to practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is practiced by BEING IN THE MOMENT.
Breathe – Just pay attention to your breath.
Inhale – Exhale – Inhale – Exhale.
Do this for three minutes and start seeing the difference.
When eating, pay attention to each
spoonful. Look at the color and shape of the grains, chew and feel the texture
and taste. Can you distinguish the spices and herbs?
The Methods suggested below are very helpful in becoming more mindful (easily) –
1 Body Scan
Lie down, or sit or be in any comfortable posture. Ensure that you are wearing comfortable clothes.
Relax the body and mind and become aware of yourself – your body, thoughts, breath, and energy.
Become aware of each part of your body, Inhale and clench/ bunch/tighten the muscles of that area, and then exhale as you release and let go of tightening up the muscles – you will feel a calm rush of energy to that area as you relax that part of your body. Feel as the tension slips away from that area.
Move on to the next part of your body, start from your toes, and work your way to the top of your head.
Keep a gentle smile on your face as you simply clench and release the muscles in each area of your body.
A super easy way to release all the tension in your body?
Take a big yawn and stand and stretch wide every hour (or as needed).
2 Movement
Going for a walk (without plugging in your earphones) and paying attention to the sounds and sights around you is a great way to become mindful.
You can also practice Yoga, Tai chi, Qi gong, or any other form of mind-body exercise.
3 Mindfulness Meditation
There are ample of apps available these days, which guide you through meditations. You can choose the kind that resonates with you. Whether a guided meditation, or meditating on an image that resonates with you, or a sound or even a candle flame. Choose the method that seems more comfortable for you.
Meditation allows you to change your mindset and move from high-frequency brain ways to lower frequencies.
Over time, it can actually change the shape of the brain and build new pathways.
I share three easy ways to meditate in this short article here. Check it out to get started on your journey with meditating and becoming more mindful.
4. Create Something
Spend some time doing something that you enjoy.
It could be a creative hobby like Art or Craft or photography or a practical-yet-creative hobby such as cooking or woodworking or knitting.
5. Self-Reflection and Journaling
Self-Reflection is a great way to look within and become aware of our thoughts and feelings.
The easiest way to see your pattern and understand yourself better is to keep a journal and reflect upon your day with some self-assessing questions.
Journaling is by far one of the best tools when it comes to building a mindfulness practice.
Spend 5 mins (or more) every day in contemplation and reflection.
Some Journal Prompts: Ask yourself:
What are the three things I am grateful for today?
How do I feel today? What is the story I am living? (very powerful and helpful in identifying the role you are playing)
What were the three things I spent most of my time on today? How did I feel while doing them?
What I am looking forward to in my day, tomorrow? (This is a very powerful exercise as it allows you to set intention and create your day).
And my favorite,
What made me smile today?
A Bonus Method
If you would like to explore Mindfulness, a great way to get started is to participate in the mindful break with Shinjini at TheModernGypsy. She has come up with some lovely prompts to guide us as we take a pause and become mindful. Join her (every year from 15-30 October).
You can join me on my journey of #TheMindfulBreak on Instagram here.

For a personal reading and consultation, connect via email on isheeria@gmail.com
Blessed Be!
I’m taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.
Linking to #MondayMusings hosted by Corinne (Everyday Gyaan)
Mindfulness is not very tough but we have made it that way by thinking that it needs fancy things, lot of practice. but if we start living in this moment and start following it as a habit then I feel we are on the right track. once we start seeing the results of this one simple practice, we will automatically get inclined towards making mindfulness as a mantra of our life.
Yes having a mindfulness attitude work wonder is reducing stress and help us a lot in enjoying present moment. I really liked the detailing in post and you had shared many wonderful ideas to being mindful in our day to day life. personally, I think create something new works best for me.
Great post – loved reading it. My Yoga Sir once said that the toughest asana was the Shavasana – we all laughed and then when he asked the class to do it, we realised how difficult it was to remain mindful and in the now.
I really love the pointers you are share what among these one of my favourite is the way we handle the situation or the intention. Thanks for sharing great tips how to achieve the mindfulness and I would really like to take the test, the questionnaire you shared
This is such an important post. Being mindful is the key to calmer and peaceful life. thanks for sharing the benefits and menthouds to be mindful, will try to follow them and see how it works.
Mindfulness works beautifully if you inculcate it in your daily life. Sadly, most of us have no time for it!
A lot is written about mindfulness but it also complicates it like you pointed out. I loved that you broke it down for us and suggested some good ways to practice it.
being mindful is indeed important. i remember being a total lost soul when certain things happened around me. like i felt they were out of my control and i was lost. but once you are mindful about whats happening, its easier to handle…
I have been practicing mindfulness through meditation and I really found that it helped me feel calmer, more in control and helped in improving concentration , most importantly living in the moment and appreciating the small things.
Your tips are really good, it can be practiced to achieve a healthy mind.. This will definitely bring peace and positivity in our lives.
Mindfulness is important. But more important is to know why and how about it. Your post answers all these questions.
I used to feel, this is a fancy word which people use randomly to alert the elite feeling in their thoughts. However, slowly by virtue of a nice article on mindfulness I started practicing it and it turned out to be great. Though what I do is very little as compared to what’s mentioned in the post here.
Mindfulness is very important. Thanks dear for sharing such detailed post on its benefits and other aspects.. Really helpful for us .
Practicing Mindfulness has great benefits. I a great way to keep one’s mind at peace. Indulging in some Mandala art really helps me practice mindfulness.
Mindfulness is easy in theory but once you start a committed practice the challenge starts. Notorious mind keeps getting distracted. But once we learn to control that we achieve a high degree of sense of freedom. I loved how you simplified it for readers.
This is great post on Mindfulness .It is very important to keep stress free with these practices .Thanks for sharing its benefits.
I have been practising mindfulness meditation for some years now and it has indeed helped me a lot.
Being mindful helps to be more clear in our thought process. And yes we should know the reason we are starting this mindful journey. And your methods to be mindful and less stressed are really easy one to try to.
In these troubled times especially , Mindfulness should be practised. You have pointed out in detail how to go about it. I am glad to realise that I follow all the methods you have listed out.
Superb post, loved it. I have been trying to practice mindfulness but I have realized it is not easy to let go of our thoughts just like that and just focus on the present moment. But even the shortest moment I do things mindfully I feel in peace.
I so agree with you on this right attitude is very important for being mindful… once we put in conscious effort towards this it becomes our habit.
I love the body scan and the journaling suggestions, Ishieta. Thank for the mention too.
To be mindful, aware and paying attention to our surroundings gets lost when we are trying to achieve a lot in a very little time. This post is especially helpful to each one of us. The bloggers who are right now trying to do everything in such little time.
As a mindfulness practioner for the last three years, I could relate well with your post, Ish! I would say Mindfulness has helped to rediscover me and my self worth. And happy to share here that I am soon going to be a Certified Mindfulness Trainer. An awesome post, indeed.
Thats very helpful keys for incorporating mindfulness in our lives. #dewreads
You have elaborately and beautifully penned the key elements of inculcating Mindfulness in our living, and also its significance. Being mindful has never been complicated. Very insightful writeup!
This had to come from you. Amazing post. The beauty lies in the fact how easily explained different facets of a topic usually considered a little intricate.Right from explaining the term to benefits and the methods to practice it. I practice Vipassna and in a way it teaches us things on similar lines to be aware of things around and inside us and the way to do is through breathing. Keep the amazing work going mam.
#MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia
Thanks for not only writing this post but also sharing pointers to practice Mindfulness. We all should, to better the quality of our life.
A very informative post. I discovered mindful meditation a few years back, thanks to my daughter. It has been immensely helpful.
Interesting tips and ways to practice Mindfulness… thanks for sharing
I was supposed to post a similar blog and video on my daily routine of mindfulness. 🙂 You have given excellent pointers on how to achive it.It is the need of the hour.Wish many would adopt these methods.
Great post. I really struggle with practicing mindfulness…I guess I should begin with asking questions to myself…taking pointers from here and hope to master this soon.
I used to struggle at this. I cannot, just cannot meditate. Mindfulness for me is creating something or self-reflection or journaling.
Mindfulness definitely is good for our mental health if done preoperly, good tips there
Wonderful post. Mindfulness is an amazing way to detox your mind. Thank you for sharing such a detailed and helpful post.
The fourth method is my favourite 🙂 I usually get back to embroidery in the evening to increase concentration and it just fills me with a little calm.
This is such a comprehensive post on mindfulness. I loved the journaling questions and the body scan method – must remember to do that more often! Thank you for the mention, too! xx
This is a beautiful post. Mindfulness for sure gives break from hustle, reduces stress, and helps focus.
I do follow movement – walk without my phone, creativity, meditation along with body scan.
Glad you shared some good pointers to make this a simple daily mantra to follow in our lives.
This isn’t something I’ve done… And I really feel the need to do so. Am mentally exhausted right now working during the pandemic in hospitals
This is so helpful during this stressful time. The yawning part is something easy to do & get benefit.
Whatever you do, do it with your full attention ! That’s mindfulness in nutshell. Great post.
Helpful post and much needed to destress these days.
I agree to all pointers you have shared and yes, even I believe right attitude is the important factor among all these
A very useful in-depth post. I swear by journaling, it has helped me cope with difficult times. Writing it all down helps a lot.
What a wonderfully written post. Mindful living is the way to cope with this stressful life.
Mindfulness is so important to live well. These are wonderful tips that we must get into the habit of practicing daily.
Being mindful is important if you want to do more with what you have.Insightful posts
Wonderful post. My stress levels have been high these days. Need to practice mindfulness. Your pointers will help.
Hey Ishieta, I liked how you started this article by asking why exactly do you want to practice mindfulness? The next important question is belief n what you are practising.
Very helpful article indeed.
Glad you wrote on this topic. Must read and its true, we should pay more attention to it.
Quite challenging to be practiced. Waiting for the right situation to start practicing. #tmmreads
While mindfulness helps in living in the moment, it also helps in focussing on what really matters and holding ourselves within the calm frame. Enjoyed the post immensely. Need to practise meditation and remind myself on being more mindful.
These are some really good things to do for mindfulness. I will definitely try them. Thank you sharing these tips.
Great post loved all the pointers especially the attention and attitude one. So perfectly explained
I feel happy and content when I do my art. Especially when I paint or do digital art, its kind of meditation to me..the rest of the time i kind of a queen of over thinking
Like my trainer says, train the mind and the body will follow. It is indeed important to be calm and practice mindfulness. A health mind = healthy self!
Practicing Yoga and Pranayama has helped me a lot to be mindful and understand my body. It is amazing how these practices can do wonders to our mind and mood. The questions are something I have been trying to answer as well. Very insightful post.
I think I am going to read your 5 commandments every day. I have pinned it on my personal board
Mindfulness is important and it should be incorporated in daily life.
This is what I am looking for. More mindfulness for better focus. Your advices are very helpful. May be it is time for me to try some journaling. Thank you for sharing this.
We often have so many perceptions when it comes to mindfulnes, but somehow its easy to adapt changes in life and believe in the moment.Such insighful post is this!
This was a much needed dosage for me of mindfulness
It sounds like it may not be much or that it’d be easy peasy but its really tough to do this. I try and do some of these without realizing what I am doing bcz I want to relax. But I will try and do the other stuff – your pointers are really good thanks!
when we do a yagya, then also we are asked to state our intention to the gods, same way when we practice mindfulness we need to set our intent. I have been trying to be “in the moment” for quite some years now. It is not easy and I still do have some way to go!
Mindfulness or the art of understanding what is going on around us and inside us affects a lot of things as you say. A hasty thoughtless word might spoil a cherished relationship. Practicing the art of being aware of what is going on around us helps reduce stress as you say so correctly. A very insightful post.
Mindfulness has the potential to revamp your entire life into something healthier and more beautiful. Have been trying to practice for the past few years.
You just made me re-realize the importance of being fully and completely aware of our surroundings which eventually leads to awareness of our inner self. Beautifully put together, Isheeria.
Mindfulness is important. we could take small steps to achieve it. I love your post. Thanks for writing.
i WROTE Something similar recently. Totally agree with your thoughts.
Great post. Loved reading it. With being a bit mindful we can avoid many problems that gets created due to unmindful behaviour. Thanks for sharing those tips.
Very informative post!! These are some really amazing points that can help one for staying happy.
Mindfulness is one of the most important things which we find difficult to practice… Mindfulness leads to a peaceful and satisfactory life… Thanks for your useful ideas to stay mindful in our everyday life.. If we adhere to them, life will definitely become better…
Being mindful is first step towards being calm and greatful for things we have in life. When we focus of each moment, we realize how blessed we are.
Wonderful post. Though I am not getting much time for myself these days. Still crafts and paining gives me happiness.
Mindfulness is a necessity indeed. That makes me kind of a hypocrite for saying that because thanks to my hectic schedule, I rarely get time to practice it. I’m not proud of it but I’ll try to make time.
A very thoughtfully penned post. I like the unique way of your writing and including the quiz in between.
Loved the detailed post on mindfulness, Isheita! Practical pointers for those like me who want to adopt it. #MyFriendAlexa #TinaReads
A mindful attitude is all we need! And the journey is pretty long..loved your article 🙂
With the fast paced life we are in, it makes it all more important to practice mindfulness. The tips you’ve shared are quite helpful, especially jogging without music and journaling. Great ways to keep stress at bay and learn more about oneself.