Welcome to Numerology predictions for you and your loved ones as we go into February 2024.
This is a monthly series easily calculating and doing predictions for yourself and your loved ones using Numerology!
We love to hear from you – Leave us a comment below on this reading, and also if there is anything else you would like to know about.
Numerology is the beautiful science of numbers, which can help us navigate our lives, overcome obstacles (real & imagined), and create a life of our own free will and choice.
It is an ancient predictive technique, which at a glance helps you understand the essence of what is happening in your life.
You can learn more about Numbers and Numerology here and here.
Get your own copy of our book on NUMEROLOGY – NUMEROLOGY-The Power Of Numbers on Amazon.in in paperback and the Kindle version.
For an accurate reading, it is important to first work out the year for yourself, followed by the reading of the month, within that context.
To calculate your Year –
[You can also see this article on calculating the year for yourself]
Date of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year = Year for You
For example:
You were born on 5th March 2001, then your current YEAR (2024) number will be =
5 + 3 + 2024 = 5 + 3 + 8 = 16 = 7.
i.e. The Current Year Number for you is = 7
To calculate the Month for You = Year for you + Month
= 7 (your year number) + 2 =(Feb=2) = 9
In example above, the month of Feb. for you will be = 9.
You will now read the prediction for Number 9 from the Predictions listed below.
Number 1
February for you is the time to work behind the scenes, to ensure that everything is working smoothly, and in the proper manner. Avoid taking shortcuts, and cutting corners. Look into the finer details. Do not trust blindly, as you are likely to be duped. Follow your instinct. Find ways to nurture and empower others and yourself. Seek out like-minded people, and those who can help you and guide you. Focus on healing and helping others, and maintain a balance….this is very essential. Your work will flow more smoothly from a relaxed state of mind. Listen to your intuition and your relationships will blossom and be genuine and rewarding. This is the time to face facts and take decisions by getting to the root. Do not allow yourself to be sidetracked.
A word of Advice: Be careful not to overextend yourself.
Angelic Guidance: Take advice when needed….. you are ready!
Wear the color Pink to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 2
February is the time for you to finish your pending works, to do what you have been putting off and delaying. Be compassionate, help others, and at the same time look after yourself as well. This month is very favourable for your spiritual practice. Put in the effort and enjoy your relationships as they prove to be genuine and trustworthy. Keep things in perspective and do not lose patience or hope. Be clear and direct without being overwhelming. You must realize that you have to take on responsibility to gain power. Stay on your present path as it will take you far.
A word of Advice: Do not waste time on that which is not helpful.
Angelic Guidance : Trust.
Wear the color Royal Blue to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 3
February will prove to be a difficult month as you will want to take major decisions and act on them. But this is not the time to take major action. This is the time to take small steps forward, testing the ground as you keep moving forward. Make positive, optimistic, long term plans. Be patient. Do your homework well, and then double check your decisions. Further your talents and more will become possible. Anything you overlook now will become a major hurdle later. This is also the time to clear your clutter, and tie up loose ends. However difficult things may appear, you will find the solution, and the situation will improve. You may feel like rebelling, but you need to keep your perspective. Don’t take a drastic step just to make a point.
A word of Advice: Listen to yourself.
Angelic Guidance : Keep yourself grounded.
Wear the color Maroon to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 4
February is the time to slow down, watch where you are going. Re-asses your goals and the path you are on. Observe others but from a distance. Do not allow others to make the decisions for you. Think carefully before making any changes in your lifestyle. Make your choices wisely, and keep your focus on your goals….know that there is something better out there for you, for the doorway to abundance of help and opportunities is now open to you. Take advantage of this phase. Find the balance between what you want and what you can achieve. Let go of the excessive baggage that you are carrying. Be giving and forgiving in your relationships and see them flourish. Keep your perspective. Take advice when needed.
A word of Advice: Be clear about your priorities.
Angelic Guidance: Trust.
Wear the color Red to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.

Number 5
February is the time for you to reassess your dreams and goals. Do you still desire the same things, or have you moved on? Communication is the key word for you this month….be careful that no misunderstandings cause a rift, nip them at the start before you lose a relationship. This is also the time to give freedom to your imagination and let it soar. Open your mind to new connections, learn what you can from the new situation, and follow your path to the outcome you desire. Be aware of your dreams as you will likely receive a life-changing message through your dreams. And give you clarity. This is a time for development-mentally as well as spiritually. Recognize the individuality of every person and then form a connection with them. Reconsider your earlier decisions.
A word of Advice: Persevere.
Angelic Guidance: Believe.
Wear the color Grey to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 6
February is the time for you to put others ahead of yourself. Work hard, honestly, and with sincerity and you will soon see the results and the awards. Look around you, see what others are doing, and take a cue from them. Avoid being close minded and restrictive in regard to yourself and others. Go forward with dignity, confidence, and strength and accept the opportunities that come your way. Don’t get disheartened by the delays, they too have a reason. This is the time to start on a project close to your heart….and finding a balance between what you want and what needs to be done. Let go of your ego and seek the truth. Learn from your experiences and move forward.
A word of Advice: Take action.
Angelic Guidance: Believe.
Wear the color Beige/ Tan to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 7
February is the time to listen to your heart. Stop listening to what other people are saying and doing. Go for what you want… what you desire. Believe in yourself. Let go of your projections and prejudices and see the whole big picture. Review your relationships and avoid being judgmental, you will be surprised at the outcome. Embrace the change in your life and your thinking pattern. Be gentle with yourself. Let your intuition guide you. Be true to yourself and everything else will follow. This is your time.
A word of Advice: It may take time, but success is yours.
Angelic Guidance: Trust.
Wear the color Emerald Green to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 8
February is the time for you to do some deep thinking and analyzing. Go to the root and you will find the solution. Learn from your experience, and don’t allow your ego to get in the way. Be fully aware and take responsibility for your actions and your position. Avoid being rash, or taking shortcuts. What you do this month will have far reaching repercussions. Trust your spiritual and intuitive powers and step up to help and heal others. Recognize your present and live in it fully and those who matter will acknowledge, appreciate, and support you. This is the time to expand your boundaries. If you feel there is something not quite right do not avoid or ignore it. Trust yourself.
A word of Advice: Avoid procrastination.
Angelic Guidance: Clarity.
Wear the color Orange to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 9
February is likely to be a difficult month with nothing working out as you would like. The solution will not seem to be in sight, thus leaving you feeling dejected. This is the time for you to weed out the unnecessary baggage that you are carrying… let go of what is burdensome and pulling you down, or holding you back. This is a time of change and many things are happening at once. Self- discipline, strength, and integrity will help you through this month. You will understand the reasons behind your present situation as things begin to resolve…make the necessary changes as you see fit. Let your experience and your intuition guide you…. Balance and Reason. If a relationship is volatile try not to let your emotions run away with you. Be careful of misunderstandings.
A word of Advice: Persist in your endeavor.
Angelic Guidance: Patience.
Wear the color Lemon Yellow to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Blessed Be!
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Read about your Numerology Predictions here.