Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers,
Welcome to your Numerology Predictions for the month of APRIL 2018.
1/3 of the month has flown past in the blink of an eye, we hope you are having a productive and joy-ful April 2018. Read on to see what the balance 20 days have in store for you.
Numerology is the beautiful science of numbers, which can help us navigate our lives, overcome obstacles (real & imagined) and create a life of our own free will and choice.
It is an ancient predictive technique, which at a glance helps you understand the essence of what is happening in your life.
In this series, know what the coming month holds for you, by doing a Numerology reading for yourself.
For an accurate reading, it is important to first work out the year for yourself, followed by the reading of the month, within that context.
To calculate your Year –
Date of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year = Year for You
For example:
You were born on 5th March 2001, then your YEAR will be =
5 + 3 + 2018 = 5 + 3 + 11 = 19 = 10 = 1
To calculate the Month for You –
Year for you + 4 (April = 4)
In example above, April for you will be = 1 + 4 = 5
Now, go ahead and read the prediction for the number 5 from the following –
Number 1
This month you will be bogged down with duties and responsibilities. You are bound to feel a little low as if you are not achieving much. But, rest assured, next month will be much easier.
Wear purple to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 2
This is a month when to do some hard thinking, to work out the finer details. Work the kinks out of your system, and it will be a much smoother time. Avoid being self-absorbed.
Wear orange colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 3
This is a month to be creative, to think out of the box, then go for it. Then be objective and practical and implement your plans. They are bound to be successful
Wear magenta colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 4
This is a month to sort out your thoughts. Keep your perspective, and be practical. Let go of all that is holding you back….whether it is people or your own thoughts. It is time to start looking ahead.
Wear green colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 5
This is a month to take risks. To venture into new territory, to soar. You will meet new people. There will be a change in your attitude, in your way of thinking…..you will feel free.
Wear red color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 6
This is a month to think beyond yourself. Help others. Be supportive of others. This is not the time to put yourself forward. The more you work in the background, the more progress you will make.
Wear beige colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 7
This is a month to hang up your party shoes and get down to doing some really hard work. What you do this month will have far-reaching consequences. The payback will be high.
Wear emerald green colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 8
This is a month to look at all the small details. Focus on all aspects of your life—your family, friends, health, career. Anything you ignore will get highlighted in the months to come.
Wear stormy grey/ black colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 9
This is a month to rein yourself. First, take care of your responsibilities, and then go after what you want. You will achieve much more, and be in a much happier zone
Wear brown colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Blessed Be!
Isheeria’s Healing Circles
Visit us every month to read your Monthly Predictions for the month ahead.
Contact us at team@isheeriashealingcircles.com for a personalized and detailed personal reading & predictions.
Read about your Numerology Predictions for the month that was, here.
The way you calculate a number is different than what I know. You add the current month, which I would not do. Interesting. I’ll take your advice and wear your color this month.
Thanks for visiting Cheryl.
We take the current month to calculate as we are looking at specifically the particular month, vis-a-vis a different time period.
Happy April!