Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers,
Welcome to your Numerology Predictions for the month of December  2017.
We are very happy to be participating in the #BlogchatterProjects campaign with The Blogchatter all this month.Â
We are offering special annual reports for 2018 (via Astrology/Numerology/Tarot methods) – Know what the stars and numbers foretell – know what the coming year has in store for you! Drop us a comment below, or fill out the contact form here or send us an email at team@isheeriashealingcircles.com for more information and details!
A short introduction: Numerology is the beautiful science of numbers, which can help us navigate our lives, overcome obstacles (real & imagined) and create a life of our own free will and choice.
It is an ancient predictive technique, which at a glance helps you understand the essence of what is happening in your life.
In this series, know what the coming month holds for you, by doing a Numerology reading for yourself.
For an accurate reading, it is important to first work out the year for yourself, followed by the reading of the month, within that context.
To calculate your Year –
Date of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year = Year for You
For example:
You were born on 5th March 2001, then your YEAR will be =
 5 + 3 + 2017 = 5 + 3 + 10 = 18 = 9
To calculate the Month for You –
Year for you + 3 (December = 12 = 3)
In example above, December for you will be = 9 + 3 = 12 = 3
Now, go ahead and read the prediction for the number 3 from the following –
Number 1
This is a month to pause. A time for reviewing the year and introspection. A time for new friendships, and new perspectives. A time to think of your next move, and start planning for the future. Think long- term.
Wear purple to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 2
This is a month to concentrate on yourself. Make yourself the priority. Focus on what is best for you in the long run. You will surprise yourself with the answers. And you will find that others are willing to listen to you, and follow your lead.Â
Wear green colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 3
This is a month to close issues, and move forward. Be practical, and take concrete action. Don’t get lost in the small details. Look at the bigger picture.   Â
Wear blue colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 4
This is a month to take stock. Re-think your goals, and plan accordingly. This is not the month to get lost in the nitty-gritty details. Take charge of your life.
Wear red colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 5
This is a month to relax and let your hair down. Take a well deserved holiday. Choose your friends and mentors wisely.        Â
Wear pink colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 6
This is a month to re-focus and be practical. Let go of your blockages, of all that is holding you back. You need to think with a clear head. Make your own decisions.
Wear orange colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 7
This is a month for mental cleansing. To re-assess your life and your goals. Is this what you want from life? Have a good look at the path you are treading.  Â
Wear orange colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 8
This is a month to have a clear look at yourself and your life. Pause, and reassess your path and your goals. Take a bird’s eye view of your life. Â
Wear chocolate colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 9
This is a month to be practical. To decide on your future, and take the reins in your hand. Work out the small details so that they don’t hamper your path.                Â
Wear beige colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Stay tuned for more interesting articles coming up later this month! Subscribe to be the 1st to know!
Blessed Be!
Isheeria’s Healing Circles
Visit us every month to read your Monthly Predictions for the month ahead.
Contact us at team@isheeriashealingcircles.com  for a personalised and detailed personal reading & predictions. Contact for special reports to know what the new year has in store for you.
Read about your Numerology Predictions for the month that was, here.
My grandmother was a numerologist. In childhood only I used to add all the numbers in my date of birth and would see what’s in store for me. This reminded me of her today
wow- i didn’t know that G. What a wonderful experience!Happy the post has been a good reminder 🙂
I like reading about predictions… They quite intrigue me, even though I don’t follow them very religiously. But my recommended colour is beige and I’ll wear it often in the coming month.
i love reading the predictions and it amazes how things fall into the prediction the power of number i tell you ..
Woww.. This is interesting. I really like to read astrology. Believe it in or not is another matter, but I like to read and have interest in it.
I am always looking forward to your monthly numerology predictions.They are very motivating .Thank you for putting so much effort into it
Really some great help;)
But now that I know you why don’t I ask you do math;₹
Oh this was so interesting, I am reading numerology predictions after a long time. This was around 9 years ago when I had a numerology book and would read it as a novel, haha. Thanks for sharing this.
Best wishes for your BLOGchatter project. I’m excited to know more about my prediction. One of the best Reading services you provide
Thank you so much 🙂 your words mean a lot 🙂
Thank you. My number is 2, and I do feel the need to set myself as priority
I will visit every month to read my numerological forecast. It’s so interesting to know how my month will shape up.
I loved reading your predictions! It was supremely motivating.
Wow numerology intrigues me. Im not a follower but good to read abt the month of Dec predictions.
I loved the way you have explained about numerology predictions. It was an interesting read. I am surely gonna see my monthly predictions from now on.
Didn’t realize there is no much too numerology. Very intriguing and definitely want to read more.
I enjoy reading predictions and wait for your posts every month.. I love the recommended color for me – red and more of a reason for me to flaunt it
Oh my god. This is interesting though i am bad with numbers and calculations
I love reading numerology predictions. And the predictions matched the way I am heading ahead.
wow numerology project, i love numerology and would love to epxlore more thorugh this !!!
Well, hoping that some predictions come true. But seems a little generic.
It’s always great to read your predictions at the start of every month. Really motivating and inspiring.
I am so happy to have read about the month and what to expect before closing this year. Would look forward to reading more on 2018.
I am not a believer of prediction but my mom is. She never misses any predictions for any of us, I am definitely sharing it with her 🙂
I always love numerigical project hope u enjoyed alot
I have always been attracted to astrology and tarot. I personally haven’t read much about numerology but i definitely plan to delve into this subject. Thanks for the predictions 🙂
This is so much fun and yes definitely much-needed
I am always confused on how to calculate my exact numbers. I hope I understood correctly. Thanks for the predictions.
Every month I wait for this..to get some positive energy and motivation..thanks 🙂
Oh you have done a great research for this. Great post. Must help all those who believe in numerology.
I simply love reading such posts… This is amazing
I used to be so much into numerology when I was in school. This is a really interesting post!
Thanks for sharing these. I love reading these predictions.
Wow! This is interesting Mine is two according to the article
Never knew that this is so fun to try..
Thanks for sharing
I had this thing for astrology, numorology..predictions…i loved reading and hearing them from childhood. Thank u for this post
Noted my predictions. I love reading it always. Will wear red too
Thank you 🙂 Yes, and you do look lovely in red 🙂