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Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers,

Welcome to your Numerology Predictions for the month of JULY 2019.


Numerology is the beautiful science of numbers, which can help us navigate our lives, overcome obstacles (real & imagined) and create a life of our own free will and choice.

It is an ancient predictive technique, which at a glance helps you understand the essence of what is happening in your life.

In this series, know what the coming month holds for you, by doing a Numerology reading for yourself.



For an accurate reading, it is important to first work out the year for yourself, followed by the reading of the month, within that context.

To calculate your Year –

Date of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year = Year for You

For example:

You were born on 5th March 2001, then your YEAR will be =

 5 + 3 + 2019 = 5 + 3 + 12 = 20 = 2.

To calculate the Month for You –

Year for you + 07 (July = 7)

In example above, July for you will be = 2 + 7 = 9.

Now, go ahead and read the prediction for the number 9 from the following –


Numerology Predictins July Isheeria




Number 1

This is a month to re-examine and re-assess your actions. Don’t get lost in overthinking and nit-picking. Don’t be judgemental. Be practical. Be fair. Assess your plans and actions dispassionately…..and you are sure to come out a winner.

Wear navy blue colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 2

This is a month to step out of your comfort zone. Assess your strengths and weaknesses. Spend time working on them. Help others. Go beyond yourself. Remember, it is you who have set the limits. And, only you who can free yourself.   

Wear magenta colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.



Number 3


This is a month to take a step back, and understand yourself. You will feel as if you are being pulled in two different directions. On the one hand you want your freedom, to do as you want. And on the other hand you are cautious and wondering whether to leave the safety of the cocoon. It is your choice to make.

Wear yellow colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.



Number 4

This is a month to do what you have to do. Don’t over-question or over-think your path in life. Go with the flow. Do your duty. Fulfil your obligations. Take heart, your time in the sun is not too far away.

Wear green colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 5

This is a month to lift yourself up. Don’t over-think or over-analyse, for it will only make you feel low and depressed. And alone. Take the helping hand. In fact, stretch out your own hand and hold someone else’s. It will help you get out of the endless circle, and get back on your feet.

Wear rust orange colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.



Number 6


This is a month to take a bold step and move forward. Do your homework well. Assess your move from all angles….ensure you haven’t overlooked anything. Then, go for it. But, along the way,  don’t cut off the old ties.

Wear red colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.



Number 7

This is a month to take action….after all, you have already overthought all your options. Not doing anything will only lead to complications. Make your decisions wisely. You won’t regret them.

Wear pink colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.



Number 8

This is a month to take your ideas further. To take action on your plans. Don’t plan on small….think big. This, after all, is your year. Don’t be hasty. Look into the small details. And then make your move.

Wear beige/ cream colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.



Number 9


This is a month to compromise. To see others’ point of view. Put your head down and follow the pattern. Go with the flow. Don’t take bold decisions, or make any changes. Your time will come soon.

Wear blue-grey colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Blessed Be!

Isheeria’s Healing Circles

Visit us every month to read your Monthly Predictions for the month ahead.

Contact us at team@isheeriashealingcircles.com  for a personalised and detailed personal reading & predictions.

Read about your Numerology Predictions for the month that was, here

We hope you enjoy the monthly prediction we share – Please share it with your family and friends whom you feel will enjoy & benefit from these reading.
Do tag us on social media (use #Isheeria)