Welcome to Numerology predictions for you and your loved ones as we go into SEPTEMBER 2023.
This is a monthly series in which you can easily calculate your numbers for the month and then do predictions for yourself and your loved ones using Numerology!
We love to hear from you – Leave us a comment below on this reading, and also if there is anything else you would like to know about.
Numerology is the beautiful science of numbers, which can help us navigate our lives, overcome obstacles (real & imagined), and create a life of our own free will and choice.
It is an ancient predictive technique, which at a glance helps you understand the essence of what is happening in your life.
You can learn more about Numbers and Numerology here and here.
Get your own copy of our book on NUMEROLOGY – NUMEROLOGY-The Power Of Numbers on Amazon.in in paperback and the Kindle version.
THE CALCULATIONS – Easily Calculate your Month
For an accurate reading, it is important to first work out the year for yourself, followed by the reading of the month, within that context.
To calculate your Year –
[You can also see this article on calculating the year for yourself]
Date of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year = Year for You
For example:
You were born on 5th March 2001, then your current YEAR (2023) number will be =
5 + 3 + 2023 = 5 + 3 + 7 = 15 = 6.
i.e. The Current Year Number for you is = 6
To calculate the Month for You = Year for you + Month
= 6 (your year number) + 9 (SEPT= 9) =15 = (6)
In example above, the month of September for you will be = 6.
You will now read the prediction from Number 6 from the Predictions listed below.

Number 1
September is a month where your plate will really be overflowing. On the one hand there will be new opportunities, new ideas, new people in your life; on the other hand you will have the burden of what you should have let go but hadn’t. And the juggling will not be easy. This is the time to review your life and relationships, to let go of your projections and prejudices and see the whole picture. You’ve finally come into your own. You need to ground yourself, focus, and continue to move forward. Remember, all that you put out in the world always comes back to you.
A word of Advice: Act wisely.
Wear the color Buttercup Yellow to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 2
September is the month to take care. Go with the flow, adjust and stay in the background. Don’t stick your neck out or draw unnecessary attention to yourself. A challenging month. This is the time for self-recognition, for judgment….for beginnings and endings. Let go of the negative thoughts that pull you down. Do not judge yourself harshly. The key word for you this month is cooperation. It is all about balance and trust. Take care of your belongings and ensure you do not misplace or lose something. Positive changes are gradually coming into your life.
A word of Advice: Believe in yourself.
Wear the color Brick Orange to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 3
September is the time for you to break away from all that is holding you back or slowing you down. Whether it is people, a situation, or your own prejudices….let go!!! Now is the time to recognize your own individuality, to set your own goals, and choose your own path. Be objective and practical, and bring all parts of your life into alignment so that you are in perfect harmony. Balance is the keyword for you this month. Your relationships will flourish once you have made your choice and are committed to it.
A word of Advice: Be practical, and ask advice when you need it.
Wear the color Grey-Blue to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 4
September is the month for hard work and to stay positively focused. You may feel as if you are running around in circles and not achieving much…. But by the end of the month you will begin to see the results of your work. Some positive news is definitely coming your way. Don’t let your emotions muddy your relationships by over-thinking and over analyzing. Allow time for your efforts to take effect. Your patience will be rewarded.
A word of Advice: Have faith in yourself.
Wear the color Lime Green to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 5
September is the month to listen to your heart, follow your dreams…the dreams or the hobby that you had put on a back-burner. Take the big leap! Bring it out, dust it, for the time of your dreams has come. Walk tall on your path, and help others to find their path. There is so much potential in you….tap into it and see the new opportunities coming your way. As you nurture your relationships they will deepen and blossom. Stay positive and visualize the result you are hoping for. Make the effort….
A word of Advice: Trust your intuition.
Wear the color Amethyst to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 6
September is the time for you to have faith in yourself, in your abilities and your capabilities…others already trust you and have faith in you. You need to focus on removing your negative thoughts, your doubts and your insecurities… maintaining your honesty and integrity, widen your horizons and look at yourself objectively. Spend time in meditation and self-discovery. Be honest about your feelings. This is not the time to give up, or to bury your head in the sand. Be strong.
A word of Advice: Believe in yourself.
Wear the color Rose Pink to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 7
September is the month for you to focus not on yourself but on the world around you. Focus on those less fortunate than you, on the ones who need a helping hand to stand up and regain control of their lives. Help them overcome the conflict in their life and to find balance. Your sincere help to others will smoothen your path in life. By genuinely taking time to communicate you will move forward in your relationships. Keep your eyes and mind open to the opportunities coming your way. Don’t allow others to make the decisions for you, or try to influence you. Be clear about your priorities and make your own decisions.
A word of Advice: Have patience.
Wear the color Midnight Blue to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 8
September is the time for you to clean out all the cobwebs…literally and figuratively. Clear your mind and seek out the opportunities coming your way. Let go of your doubts and fears. Change at this time is good for you. But, before taking on anything study it in detail. Read the fine print….. Don’t trust blindly. Find what works for you, and then move forward. Take advice when you are at a crossroad and don’t know what to do. Follow your instincts to do what needs to be done. Know that you are protected and that you are not alone.
A word of Advice: Be clear in your aims.
Wear the color Aquamarine Blue to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 9
September is the month for you to seriously de-clutter your life and graciously let go of all the unwanted factors in your life….things, people, attitudes……you have till the end of the year to finish this process. Begin by clearly assessing your life and pinpointing all the extra baggage in your life. And then begin to discard it. Be wise and generous, but also firm. Be practical. This is the time to move on, and make space for the new.
A word of Advice: Trust your intuition.
Wear the color Violet to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Blessed Be!
We hope you enjoy reading about your month here at #isheeria – please leave us a comment below, and share with your friends and family.
Contact us for a personalized and detailed personal reading & predictions on isheeria@gmail.com or if you would like to know about our upcoming programs and workshops.
Read about your Numerology Predictions for the month that was, here.