Welcome to Isheeria’s Healing Circles,
On the occasion of the 71st Independence Day, We would like to wish you ALL a very HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!
Come Join me as I reflect upon FREE WILL.
What is Free Will?
FREE WILL can be defined as the power of acting out of your own choice in any given moment, situation, circumstance.
In Life, sometimes we feel that everything is pre-destined and we are slave to our circumstances! But let me tell you, there is this very Important TOOL which is available at the disposal of each and every person, and that is: FREE WILL!
Free Will works within the expansive subject of Destiny, as Free Will gives us the power of choice! Free will is about our choosing what to do in a given situation – How we react to it and what we make of it – These are entirely upto us.
Let’s look at the example of our Freedom Fighters.
Destiny may have written emprisonment in their fate, but it was their Free Will with which they choose their cause for which they were emprisoned.
This made all the difference, for as we look back, we have immense respect for our Freedom Fighters and appreciate the struggles they underwent, including going to prison, for the noble cause of Freedom of our country and it’s people.
Let’s take another example –
Let’s look at the poeple who are actors by their vocation. It is destined that that person will be an actor and famous. Yet, it is the individual’s choice which path they take to meeting their destiny.
Are they going to be famous for a scandal or in the news for a tantrum or will they be famous for their acting, for their body of work.
This is entirely the Free Will of the person, they decide what path they want to follow to achieve their dreams and goals.
FREE WILL is always available to each of us, in every moment. And in every moment we can decide what we want to do, and what is the outcome we want to create.
We have the power of choice! We have the Freedom to decide what we will! It is our will of what we want to do in our Lives.
You can do what you will! You can will what you will! Share on X
I would love to hear your opinion about Free Will – Leave me a comment below.
This post is part of a series of 13 blogs written by 13 versatile bloggers writing for one common goal #FreedomToExpress as we #BlogToFreedom
Thank you Soumya for introducing me and passing the baton. Soumya writes at ThePinkDazzle & you can read her post for this series: Independence Day Special – Tricolor Rice Recipe.
I further pass this baton of “freedom of expression” to Jiya who writes at TheMommyTale. She writes about patenting, fiction stories and lifestyle.
See her interesting blog posts and follow her on Facebook and Instagram for a regular dose of awesomeness!
Using feww will for the good of self and others is a quality that not many people possess. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Sorry about the typo. It’s free* will. Thanks for this great read.
This looks like a great initiative which you guys started. Free will for me is freedom to do whatever I want and whatever I like.
Free will for me is be myself… And do whatever I like… Great initiative
Wow this is such a nice thought on free will. Free will is actually so important. It’s important to feel the freedom which allows you to do anything and everything.
You can do what you will! You can will what you will and what happens is destiny.After all free will and our choices ,make our life perfect or the opposite .Beautiful post and just on time.Lovely initiative.
Free will to me is, to not be judged by anyone I could be right or wrong in what I’m doing!
Great initiative:)
The power of freewill is required very much. I am sure this post will boost motivation to many.
That’s really very inspiring and lovely post. Free will is really important for all of us.
This is so inspiring… So often when we are in a bad place and we blame destiny… This surely added a new dimension of thinking…
Free will for me is not to be judged by others for my actions…it’s my responsibility n freedom of choice
Lovely post. Free will for me would mean to be myself and speak my heart without the fear of being judged by anyone for my opinions.
For me it’s the freedom to do what I want to do and when I want to do without being forced by someone else.
Free Will makes a life worth living, I have seen or known people who had such terrible jokes on the name of living only because they have been ‘living’ on the whims and fancies of others – specially peers. Unless we take stand on our RIGHT to have a free will – it is not going to change.
Beautiful post
Very nice and inspiring thoughts. Yes free will is very important. Lovely post
Free will as a concept is great and to some extent we can will ourselves to the desired end of our choosing. But, there are times when circumstances are beyond our control where free will may not have any chance to come into play. Life is a mix of both these situations I guess!
Wow i really like the post. Its a nice thought on free will. Its really an inspiring post. I also enjoyed to do what ever i want to do. Work done by force is against my will. Nice and motivated post
Loved the thought you can do what you will and you can will what you will! Noting it down for my pep talk wit kids
Quite an inspiring thought. Freedom means free will, and we all should be entitled to it!
A lot is conveyed in this small beautiful write up! You can will, what you will!
Thank you Z 🙂 It is such an important point to remember i feel.
Free will looks like a wonderful initiate , according to me free will is freedom to do as per my choice and without any intervention of judgement. Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed this post. Free will is a bit of a misnomer in my opinion, as our surroundings and social conditioning often affect our ability to make decisions for ourselves- not quite free will then!
Short yet super impressive post 🙂 Free will is a good option but at times one gets confused and has to change his/her actions which at time goes against free will. I loved the post 🙂
I wish life actually had options for freedom of everything. Sometimes somehow I feel tied down by societal norms.
Great though.. For me free will is doing what i want, with certian responsiblity also .. Everyone must understand that.. Love ur post
That’s beautifully written… Free will is an amazing power which people possess… It is our will, our doing which makes us, whatever we are, good or bad…
Really informative and thought provoking post! Free will I have heard only in legal terms but yes, as long as we know what we are doing in a balanced way…it’s free will…
So true free will is our discretion but alas in present day how people use it in India is pitiable. Thanks for writing about it.
Yes free will is in our hands and we should decide how to act or use our free will in the correct way.
This is such a great write up and I loved your perspective on will and destiny. I totally agree our free will definitely gives us a complete freedom to achieve our goals without surrendering to anyone.