Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Reader,
Apologies for the delay in posting this month.. Hope your July is going well! Welcome to your Predictions for the month of July!
Here is how your month looks ahead!
Numerology is the beautiful science of numbers, which can help us navigate our lives, overcome obstacles (real & imagined) and create a life of our own free will and choice.
It is an ancient predictive technique, which at a glance helps you understand the essence of what is happening in your life.
In this series, know what the coming month holds for you,
by doing a Numerology reading for yourself.
For an accurate reading, it is important to first work out the year for yourself, followed by the reading of the month, within that context.
To calculate your Year –
Date of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year = Year for You
For example:
You were born on 5th March 2001, then your YEAR will be = 5 + 3 + 2017 = 5 + 3 + 1 = 9
To calculate the Month for You –
Year for you + 3 (March)
In example above, March for you will be = 9 + 3 = 12 = 3
Now, go ahead and read the prediction for the number 3 from the following –
Number 1
This is the time to take the lead and show your inner strength and courage.
Follow your intuition.
Wear bright pink to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 2
This is a time to be patient and receptive.
You should avoid being oversensitive
Wear golden color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 3
This is a month to socialize and entertain.You may also travel.
Avoid extravagance.
Wear turquoise color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 4
This is a time to think and plan for the future.
Be disciplined. Do not neglect your health.
Wear Magenta color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 5
Your plans will likely change suddenly. Live day-to-day.
Be careful as you are likely to be accident prone.
Wear Red color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 6
This is a time to face your responsibilities. Focus on family and close ones.
Avoid being idealistic.
Wear fresh green color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 7
This is a time for introspection. Re-think the path you are on.
Don’t ignore your health.
Wear Orange color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 8
This is a time of gains or losses. Re-assess your finances.
Avoid being sentimental.
Wear Brown to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Number 9
This is a time of loss. To let go. Move on.
Success is through compassion and detachment.
Wear Navy Blue color to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.
Blessed Be!
Isheeria’s Healing Circles
Visit us every month to read your Monthly Predictions for the month ahead.
Contact us at for personalized and detailed personal reading & predictions.
Read about your Numerology Predictions for the month that was, here.
ow i loved doing these its so interesting!