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Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers,

Welcome to your Numerology Predictions for the month of November  2017.


Numerology is the beautiful science of numbers, which can help us navigate our lives, overcome obstacles (real & imagined) and create a life of our own free will and choice.

It is an ancient predictive technique, which at a glance helps you understand the essence of what is happening in your life.

In this series, know what the coming month holds for you,

by doing a Numerology reading for yourself.



For an accurate reading, it is important to first work out the year for yourself, followed by the reading of the month, within that context.

To calculate your Year –

Date of Birth + Month of Birth + Current Year = Year for You

For example:

You were born on 5th March 2001, then your YEAR will be = 5 + 3 + 2017 = 5 + 3 + 1 = 9

To calculate the Month for You –

Year for you + 2 (November = 11 = 2)

In example above, November for you will be = 9 + 2 = 11 = 2

Now, go ahead and read the prediction for the number 2 from the following –


Numerology Predictions November 2017 by Isheeria





Number 1


This is a month to reap past rewards. A time for success, for leadership.  A time for new beginnings. New friendships, new relationships. Maybe even a career change.

 Wear gold enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 2


This is a month for co-operation, co-ordination, collaborations. Be flexible and adaptable. A time to forge strong bonds. By helping others you will clear your own path.       

Wear white colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 3


This is a month to complete your pending issues. To look into the details. Anything left ignored, will come back as a bigger issue. Don’t trust blindly.     

Wear emerald green colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 4

This is a month to work hard. This is not the month to go out on a limb.  Work done now will bring rewards and acknowledgment in the future.

Wear beige/ khaki colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 5

This is a month for introspection.  Look at your motives clearly, dispassionately. Make sure your decisions are for growth and not just for the sake of change.        

Wear purple colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 6


This is a month for sharing, for helping others. Whatever you do this month will come back to you two-fold. A time to widen your horizons. To be more open and adjusting.

Wear sky blue colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 7


This is a month for mental cleansing. To re-assess your life and your goals.  Is this what you want from life? Have a good look at the path you are treading.    

Wear orange colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 8


This is a month to assert yourself. To do your dutyTo shoulder more responsibility. Begin to take your rightful place in life.  

Wear red colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Number 9


This is a month to let go. To move on. Drop all your excess baggage, everything that is holding you back from achieving your dreams. Meditation will help you make the correct decisions.                 

Wear black colour to enhance your magnetic vibrations this month.


Blessed Be!

Isheeria’s Healing Circles

Visit us every month to read your Monthly Predictions for the month ahead.

Contact us at team@isheeriashealingcircles.com  for a personalized and detailed personal reading & predictions.

Read about your Numerology Predictions for the month that was, here.