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To say that I underestimated this book is an understatement! Let me tell you why ….

Book: Soul Selfie: How To Click Into Your Real Self
Author: Sadguru Rameshji
Publisher: Fingerprint Publishing

Book Blurb:
Our physical existence is neither the start of our life’s journey nor its end. All our sorrows, fears, anxiety, and stress crop up only when we associate ourselves with our physical body. But once we become aware of our existence as a soul, separate from the physical form, we start living a completely different life—full of energy, positivity, love, and joy.

This book, Soul Selfie, reveals the secrets of living a soulful existence independent of the body by covering two aspects of a spiritual journey—one proves the independent existence of the soul and the second chronicles the personal journey of the author in his experimentation with the soul, including an out-of-body astral travel experience.

Filled with easy-to-understand stories, anecdotes, personal experiences, and practical tips, Soul Selfie is a work of spiritual guidance that will help one transcend their physical existence and unleash their true potential by identifying themselves with their immortal soul.

“Evolve while Involving, Involve while Evolving”
– Sadguru Rameshji’s motto


Well written and anecdotal, this is a good read for someone at the beginning of their self-exploration and spiritual journey.

A powerful message: A secret:
” It’s not for the fast or the dedication (promise) if something, that God answers our prayers. It is …. ”
well, you definitely need to read this book to know the answer to this secret 🙂

Sadguru Ramsheji’s words weave the stories of his own journey and others so beautifully that by the time you reach the end of a chapter and to the section titled Nectar of Gyaan – you have imbibed the warmth of his words (and hopefully, the beginnings of grasping the infinite wisdom he has shared in this pages)

“The perception of non-duality is the ultimate state in spirituality and is the giver of eternal happiness and bliss”

The book traces his (the author’s) journey through boyhood to
started when he was a young boy and over the years immersed himself in the practices of yoga (hatha, kundalini,mantra), astral travel, etc until he, along with his wife Kusum (guruma) attained enlightenment.

During his deep samadhi state, how the univer manifests and grows and flourishes and eventually, merges back into the source got revealed.

He has dedicated his life to enlighten people.
He feels (and this I deeply agree with!) that eventually everyone will have to add spiritual flavor to their daily life routines – As THAT is the solution.

This book is an excellent read and I found the style of writing to be engaging and flowing well. The stories he shares are interesting and insightful.

Reading this book is a great way to take a selfie of our souls – A “Soul Selfie” and gain a better insight and understanding of our souls and the path to happiness and enlightenment (if you so wish).

One of my favorite Nectors’ from this book:
“Know that the feelings you invest into your effort will be reflected in the results too. If you are stressed during your effort your result too will be stressful and if you are joyful during your effort your result too will be joyful.”

Paper back version (which is what I got) Kindle Version

I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of their own soul nature and work on their spiritual journey.

You can know more about the Author, Sadguru Rameshji on his site: www.poornaananda.org

Happy Reading!
Blessed Be!