Welcome to Isheeria’s Healing Circles.
The news of two suicides shocked the world, every one of us who also didn’t know them personally were thinking out loud about their tragic end!
As I sit writing this article, the news of Bhaiyyui Maharaj having committed suicide has just pinged on my phone’s news app! I am left speechless!
A celebrity chef, a fashion designer, and a spiritual leader – All three famous and successful in their own right. All three assumed to ‘have it all’ by the on-looker.
So, Why did they do it? Did they not feel like they had anything or anyone to live for?
What were they thinking really (deep, in their heart of heart)? That gave them the heart-breaking courage to commit suicide and snuff out their flame forever?
Depression is REAL. It is omnipresent and it is pervasive!
Like we take care of our physical health, we must also take care of our mental health!
I am no expert, however, I would strongly urge you to reach out to your family and friends and even organizations and helplines for all the support you need and take help.
The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, says Thich Nhat Hanh, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions.
Who is the Inner Child or the Child within you?
The Child Within is the echo of the child you were – and this child still impacts you today.
Here are some way to be in touch with our #Childwithin – and take care of ourselves, today and always –
Listen to your voice, to the child within. Do not apply your adult filters of judgment, but allow your inner child to speak to you, fearlessly.
Speak kindly to the Child Within – Use a loving voice and use supportive and comforting words.
Speaking Affirmation to yourself each day is a good way to heal the #childwithin.
Remember to tell yourself, that you are loved, valued and appreciated by you.
Remember to tell yourself, that you are loved, valued and appreciated by YOU. #NISSAtalks #OpenNTalk #isheeria Share on X
Incorporate a short and simple activity into your daily routine – It keeps you healthy and those endorphins flowing.
One wonderful way to keep the #childwithin happy is to add some activity which you enjoy into your daily routine.
It could be Dancing or sketching or baking – or even just singing out loud along
Reach and talk with people – family, friends, people you have just met. Remember when you were a child? You never thought twice about talking to anyone? It is time to embrace the #Childwithin again and talk to people!
Like you need to talk to people, you never know who might need someone to talk to too. And you may be the answer to their unspoken wish.
Remember, YOU are the SAFE PLACE where your inner Child can express herself/himself without fear – and if you pay attention, you will find the root cause of whatever is bothering you and you can take steps towards a solution and resolution.
This is a subject which is so vast and deep, and I hope we can all collectively find a path to happiness and joy and connect with the #Childwithin. Please do leave us your tips and suggestions in the comments below.
This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger’s League hosted by @Gleefulblogger & @Wigglingpen in association with SummerBarn, Vedantika Herbals, Nyassa, Explore Kids World.”
Follow the hosts on Twitter @wigglingpen @gleefulblogger
We are a part of team #NISSAtalks. Stay tuned as all through June, we will be opening up and talking about a host of topics.
This week, we are all writing on the #Childwithin.
Don’t forget to checkout my teammates’ posts:
Nupur (www.practicalmum.net),
Sudha (www.sukrisblog.wordpress.com),
Silja (www.vijvihaar.wordpress.com) and
Arvind (www.passey.info)
You have jotted down all the points correctly . Well connected to help people come out of their depression too. Fear is what disconnects us from our inner child. Excellent write up. #NISSATalks
So true.. and yet so very difficult. For a person suffering from depression has to fight too many battles, including the stigma that it “isn’t a real disease” or “snap out of it”. I’m glad to see more acceptance and support for the condition, hopefully, the ones suffering can benefit before it’s too late.
#OpenNTalk #NISSAtalks
Yes Nupur, I agree!!! The times people will tell you to have a glass of water & ‘get over it’ is such a blatant disregard for the struggles of that person! I truly do hope that we will see a change, a sea change on this issue soon.
You have raised a good point #Childwithin. When we were the child we never thought of talking to anybody now as we grown up we tend to make us introvert. The more we talk to people the more we will feel light from inside.
#openNtalk #CrossBorderSisters
Its indeed disheartning to see whats happening around but its a wake up call that depression is just like any other illness which can happen to anyone. Its time we break the taboo and talk #OpenNTalk #BloggerBabes
Yes Akshata! And I feel that with this series we all have done this week with #OpenNTalk has opened up a nice and healthy dialogue around it! I wish we would take remedial steps as we do with other illnesses too!
The person who is actually going through depression 90% of the times doesn’t even know. The symptoms of depression are often misunderstood as mood swings. and when some tries to talk to them they go in denial. The problem needs to be addressed very tactfully and empathetically. This is a good one, Isheita! #roarwillrock
Thank you Surbhi. I agree, the no. of instances of mis-diagnosis or just unawareness of the deep lying causes, causes continuous pain to the person suffering, and even those around him/her.
Depression plays an important role in increasing suicide rate. Still people take it lightly #NISSATalks
So true Silja! sadly the taboo is far greater than the healing orientation.
Agree with you on all the points. Sharing, talking, and listening is all helpful in depression. Hope more people understand this and not take any extreme steps.
#OpenNtalk #BloggingDivas
Thanks Deepa 🙂 Absolutely, I do wish people would take a moment and pause before taking any extreme decisions.
I am going to be a thirty plus woman soon but that childish mind is still within me. My mom and hubby say that I am not mature enough may be that is also a reason. Still I can feel my inner child intact 🙂 #BloggerBabes #OpeNTalk
Thanks for dropping in Sayeri 🙂
Maturity I feel will come through in your actions as and when and where you need to be mature 🙂
But in Life, you gotta be in touch with your inner child – and I am so happy to see you are still in touch 🙂
Beautiful post…Introspection is surely a great way to connect to the child within. I am loving the series written by you and your team. So pure and practical…loads of food for thought. #RoarWillRock
Thank you Mayura! Introspection is the key quite literally!
We are so happy to see your feedback for our team – Thank you 🙂
The issue in today’s world is that everybody talks, nobody listens…not even to the self.
We need to up the dose of compassion and introspection as a person and as a community.
Loved your post!
#OpenNTalk #CrossBorderSisters
Thank you Priyanka 🙂 I agree a dose of this would help make the world a better place immediately!
Thank you Sudha!
You are very correct, Fear can completely change the way one approached and experiences life.