The Home Makeover – Introduction #isheeria
11 weekends to a home make over – Join us as we clear space and make our houses and lives better, more vibrant, happy and create a holistic environment.
11 weekends to a home make over – Join us as we clear space and make our houses and lives better, more vibrant, happy and create a holistic environment.
Welcome to Part 2 of the weekends home makeover series.
Our Focus in this article: EASY to do Space Clearing and Purification Rituals.
Join us every week as we clear space and make our houses and lives better, more vibrant, happy and create a holistic environment.
TE-A-ME – Ice Brews – The Healthy Way to Beat the Heat!
Review & Experience when the Big-Fat-Indian Family descended on us for the weekend!
Let’s get in touch with our child within and take care of ourselves. Share your tips with us?
#NISSAtalks with #OpenNTalk on #Isheeria
7 easy to follow Tips to beat the heat and stay healthy this summer by Maasai Fitness on Isheeria.
Click to read & also share your own tips & experiences to enjoy this summer!
Have you ever heard or advised that kids should not exercise until they were in their teens?
Well, things have changed!
Read on for a reality check and tips by Shreya Roy of Maasai Fitness
Maasai Gyaan by Maasai Fitness – Tips for managing and preventing Neck Pain on Isheeria
Welcome to Isheeria’s Healing Circles. Join us for some quick tips on #Chilobesity & Health from Shreya Roy of Maasai Fitness as she talks about reducing sugar in your child & infant’s diet.
The most important thing to do in order to improve your sleep posture, is to choose positions that helps keep your spine in alignment. Check out this short post & video on the right postures for you.