Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers,
We shared about the Solar Eclipse which is taking place in the evening on 26th February 2017 in Part 1 and the Do’s & Don’t to keep in mind in Part 2.
Now, in Part 3 we bring you a General Reading for YOU based on your Ascendant in your Natal Horoscope.
The Solar Eclipse of 26th February 2017 will make you re-assess the goals that you have set for yourself.
You will question not only your goal, but also your chosen path.
The next 3 months will not be easy for you. You will not like doubting yourself and your long-held views and decisions.
These months will also prove to be difficult for your education, your children and your elder siblings, especially, elder brother(s).
A word of advice – Don’t overthink and react emotionally. Don’t make impulsive decisions.
The Solar Eclipse of 26th February 2017 will make you very sensitive and emotional about your family, and at the work front.
For the next 3 months, you will re-assess your work pattern and also where you are going in life. Once you have re-assessed your chosen path, you will not take time to forge ahead and take appropriate action.
A word of advice – Don’t neglect your home and family. Keep the balance between your home and family and your work.
The next 3 months will see you very confused about the choices that you have made in life, and the action that you need to take now.
The dilemma is not whether to take a drastic decision, but rather, what decision.
once decided, you will begin to move forward.
This period is not auspicious for your father, mentor or younger siblings.
A word of advice – Diplomacy will work in your favour and take you much further.
This year, and especially the next 3 months will see you questioning your life, the role that you have to play in this life-time. The reason of your existence.
Don’t ignore health issues. If ignores, the problems can escalate.
A word of advice – It is essential that you remain well – grounded.
The Solar Eclipse of 26th February 2017 will make you highly sensitive and emotional, which in turn will cloud your decision making.
You will find it difficult to move forward, make decisions, and to maintain your relationships.
Your relationship with your family, especially your spouse/ partner will be a cause of concern.
A word of advice – Be patient. Things will sort out for you. This year will prove to be a milestone in your life.
The next 3 months will see you re-assessing yourself. You will tend to be your strictest critic – questioning your attitude and behaviour in life.
You will also re-evaluate everyone around you. You may not like it, but you will not hesitate to change your circle of friends.
A word of advice – Don’t lose hope – the best is just around the corner for you.
Don’t make decisions, or act in haste.
The next few months you will be very sensitive, emotional and full of self-doubt. This will in turn result in a change in your thinking pattern. It is also likely that your that your dreams and goals will change.
you will also become a stronger person.
This is not an auspicious period for your children, or your elder siblings.
You will re-assess your goals, and the path that you have taken to achieve your wishes and goals. Once you have decided on your course of action, you will march ahead boldly.
A word of advice – Don’t put off making decisions, or taking action.
The next few months will not be easy for you. Everyone around you will have their own problems, but your way of handling stress is what will set you apart.
You will understand other’s point of view, and will not hesitate to take advice, or to take action.
You will no longer take things at face value, but rather, re-assess them for yourself.
This is not an auspicious time for your mother.
A word of advice – Think things through carefully before making any decisions or taking any action.
The next few months will make you go over and over again on the choices that you have made in life. You will re-evaluate every step, and re-think every decision. This will hamper your actions today.
You will tend to second-guess yourself.
This period is not auspicious for your younger siblings or your fasther.
A word of advice – Take action wherever necessary.
Learn to let go.
The Solar Eclipse of 26th February 2017 will make you very sensitive for the next few months, trying to find meanings behind everything, and wondering where you went wrong or what you did wrong.
You will question everything about your family and your standing in society.
Also you will re-assess your values.
Your relationships will not be easy during this period.
A word of advice – Don’t overthink everything. Not everyone thinks before they speak or take action.
This year is a crucial one in your life, as throughout the year you will keep questioning all your actions, and your decisions.
You will go through major changes, adapting to new goals, changing your views and perspectives and letting go of all the baggage that you have accumulated over the years.
You will come of this year much lighter and happier.
A word of advice – Trust your intuition.
The Solar Eclipse of 26th February 2017 will make you very emotional and sensitive for the next couple of months.
Don’t make impulsive decisions as you will likely regret them soon after. Not an easy period for you.
A word of advice – Make your decisions carefully.
stay grounded.
For a detailed & personalised Astrological reading, please contact us for a Consultation or leave a message below.
Blessed Be!
Isheeria’s Healing Circles