#Numerology Predictions for #February 2021 #isheeria
Welcome to the numerology predictions and reading for you and your loved ones for February 2021
Welcome to the numerology predictions and reading for you and your loved ones for February 2021
What does February have in store for you? Read on for Numerology Predictions for you & your loved ones.
How will this Solar Eclipse affect you?
Hello & Welcome, A prompt which made me think and be grateful! Joining in, and Linking up with Dew and Zainab for their #ClickAndBlogAStory Linky Party every Sunday. Week 5 Prompt: Stress We all LIVE with stress -sometimes, in bad situations, what makes us feel alive is our unique set of…
Hello & Welcome, A prompt which fills me up with #gratitude Joining in, and Linking up with Dew and Zainab for their #ClickAndBlogAStory Linky Party every Sunday. Week 7 Prompt: Family A poetic 3-part homage to my Family – *I am a star, coz my family says so I shine bright,…
Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers, Blogging with #prompts takes some serious schedule juggling, planning and forethought 🙂 Now, when you are playing along a prompt like #bookslutthursday with #shalzmojosays, then the whole exercise becomes a FUN Thing 🙂 coz, you get to do what most of us women, and book lovers…