#ClickAndBlogAStory – Stress

Hello & Welcome, A prompt which made me think and be grateful! Joining in, and Linking up with Dew and Zainab for their #ClickAndBlogAStory Linky Party every Sunday. Week 5 Prompt: Stress   We all LIVE with stress -sometimes, in bad situations, what makes us feel alive is our unique set of…

#BookSlutThursday – 16Feb17

Dear Isheeria’s Healing Circles Readers, Blogging with #prompts takes some serious schedule juggling, planning and forethought 🙂 Now, when you are playing along a prompt like #bookslutthursday with #shalzmojosays, then the whole exercise becomes a FUN Thing 🙂 coz, you get to do what most of us women, and book lovers…

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