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Welcome to #HumFitTohIndiaFit on Isheeria’s Healing Circles.


My friend Nupur wrote a wonderful and practical post about Fitting Fitness into our daily lives – its packed with easy tips for staying Healthy and Fit. 

This got me thinking about Myself!

I may not manage to go to the gym every day or complete my 10k (ten thousand) steps, and what kind of ‘Therapies’ can I incorporate into my day – to- day life and share with all of you when you and I are in different moods!  

Or even therapies which are easy to do and can be easily added into any your hectic schedules and supplement whatever fitness plan you are currently following.

So let’s get started –


#HumFitTohIndiaFit - #NISSATalks #OpenNTalk #isheeria




#Isheeria Tip: Sip on Charged Water throughout the day. #Nissatalks #OpenNTalk Share on X




Our body is 70% Water and the brain 90% water, and many cures lie in the constant replenishment of the water content of our body.

The easiest step you can take TODAY to get fit & healthy is to start drinking water – every day, regularly.  

Start your morning with drinking water first thing, and then remember to sip on Charged Water throughout the day.


How to Charge Water –


  • Take a glass bottle and fill it with water (filtered/ RO / Mineral).

(you can also incorporate some Color Therapy by using a colored glass bottle (please only follow under expert guidance))

  • Place the bottle in sunlight for a few hours (in winters you may need to expose the water bottle to sunlight for a longer period).
  • Then keep inside until room temperature or refrigerate and drink.
  • Remember to Sip this water and not gulp it.

Benefits of Drinking Charged Water –


  • A Natural way for your body to absorb Vitamin D
  • Works on the physical and emotional body
  • Boosts Energy and Mood


You can read more about Water Therapy and the quantity and times during the day when you should consume water here.


Advantages of Drinking Water - NissaTalks OpenNTalk Isheeria #HumFitTohIndiaFit - #NISSATalks #OpenNTalk #isheeria




Haha! Yes, there are days when I work out a lot … in my dreams! For such days, WALKING is my go-to therapy to do something to keep myself Fit and Active.

I love the freedom of WALKING – Even when I am traveling, it is a great way to get some sightseeing of my neighborhood done while I get a little fitter!

Offcourse, walking barefoot on the grass has added health and mental and emotional benefits too.

Benefits of Walking –


  • Improves overall Health and Circulation
  • Strengthens bones and muscles
  • Aids weight loss





For the days when I am feeling particularly Cultural and Indian, I roll out my mat and get down to some YOGA.

I really appreciate how every perceivable ache and pain and problem has a specific ASANA in Yoga for Healing it – permanently, while strengthening the body and improving flexibility.


Benefits of Yoga –


  • Improves Energy and Flexibility
  • Increases Strength and Circulatory Health
  • Helps with Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance (my favorite benefit!)


You can read more about Yoga and the Bee Mantras you can chant while doing the Surya Namaskar here.




Some days I want to focus on my Spiritual Health – On How I am feeling on the INSIDE – and for those days  MEDITATING on my BREATH is the perfect Therapy.


Benefits of Meditation & Breathing Techniques –


  • Reduces Stress and helps quieten the mind
  • Improves concentration and brings a sense of balance & self-awareness
  • Puts you in touch with your inner self


You can read more about How to get started on Meditation here.


So, which ‘ME’ are you today? Which Therapies would you like to or have tried out? What has been your experience? Leave us a comment below and share your ideas for the MOODY ME!




This post is published for #OpenNTalk Blogger’s League hosted by Gleefulblogger Wigglingpen in association with SummerBarnVedantika HerbalsNyassaExplore Kids World.”


NissaTalks OpenNTalk Isheeria #HumFitTohIndiaFit - #NISSATalks #OpenNTalk #isheeria


We are a part of team #NISSAtalks. Stay tuned as all through June, we will be opening up and talking about a host of topics.


This week, we are all writing on #HumFitTohIndiaFit.

Don’t forget to visit and read the very interesting and informative posts from my teammates – 


Nupur (www.practicalmum.net),

Sudha (www.sukrisblog.wordpress.com),

Silja (www.vijvihaar.wordpress.com), and,

Arvind (www.passey.info)