The Home Makeover – Introduction #isheeria
11 weekends to a home make over – Join us as we clear space and make our houses and lives better, more vibrant, happy and create a holistic environment.
11 weekends to a home make over – Join us as we clear space and make our houses and lives better, more vibrant, happy and create a holistic environment.
Welcome to Part 2 of the weekends home makeover series.
Our Focus in this article: EASY to do Space Clearing and Purification Rituals.
Join us every week as we clear space and make our houses and lives better, more vibrant, happy and create a holistic environment.
An easy way to sense the energy around you and identify the corner of your house which needs energy to be cleansed and energised (tips included).
Welcome to Part 3 of the Home Make-Over series.
Our Focus in this article: EASY ways to remove negativity from your personal space.