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Welcome to Part 5 of the 11 parts  series of Home Make-Over on isheeriashealingcircles.com – Today in the The Home Make-Over Series we are going to talk about how you can easily sense the energy around you, and identify the area / corner which needs an energy cleanse and to be energized (tips included)

Read about the Introduction to the Series (Part 1) here: The home makeover-introduction and Part 2 here : Space Clearing & Purification Rituals, Part 3 here: Remove Negativity and Part 4 here: General Pointers for a Home Make Over (Feng Shui).

Everyone does a thorough spring cleaning of their house, but it is done once a year, around festival time, the new year, harvest time, etc. But, this is a physical cleaning of the house. We also do Clearings and Purifications, but not too regularly. We may also be doing energy work, but without realizing, may also be creating negative and stagnant energy. Any nook or cranny that we don’t regularly clean around or any area that we don’t regularly use. All these will collect negativity, and stagnating energy.

There are many ways to sense the energy around us.

Try them out and see which one you are more comfortable with and the one which works for you!

  • Walk around the room in a clock-wise direction with your left hand ( if your left-hand is dominant, then use your right hand) extended towards the wall and notice how it feels. Notice the change in your hand. At any point does it feel colder, or hotter? Does it feel heavy, tingly, twitchy? Or, maybe just a blank? If there is a point where you feel the energy is different- it is indicative of negative, stagnant energy.

  • Use a drum, or a bell. Move slowly around the room in a clockwise direction, noticing if there is a change in the tone of the drum or the bell. If it sounds dull or discordant- it indicates a negative area. If the sound is clear then it indicates a positive energy in that area.

Sensing energy in a room will give you a clear indication of where you need to focus your space clearing and energizing efforts.

house area energy cleansing isheeria

Another technique to see which area of your house needs further energy work – is to ponder on your life. The obvious problems one can see, but what is it that is making us restless and dissatisfied? What is it that is missing in our lives which we can’t see, or are not aware of?

Very sincerely ask yourself these questions—

Q- How do you feel about the work you are doing?

Do you feel fulfilled in the work you are doing?
Are you acknowledged by the people at work?
Most importantly, do you wake up in the morning eager to go to work?

If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
If the answer is “no”, then check out the North corner of your house/room.
If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the North corner.

Q- How happy are you with your support system?

Are the people you are close to supportive of you?
Do you feel the presence of your mentor, your guide, your God, or your Guru by your side? Are you able to lean on them?   

  • If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
  • If the answer is “no”, then check out the North-East corner of your house/room.
  • If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the North-East corner.

Q- How is the environment in your house?

Are the dynamics within your family good?
Is it a healthy environment? Is the hierarchy in the family respected?

If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
If the answer is “no”, then check out the East corner of your house/room.
If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the East corner.

Q- How is your financial situation?

Are you in a financially comfortable position?
Do you feel that you are one of the fortunate ones?
Are you materialistically content?

  • If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
  • If the answer is “no”, then check out the South-East corner of your house/room.
  • If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the South-East corner.

Q- How do you feel about yourself?

Are you content with the name and reputation that you have?
Are you happy with the recognition that you receive? 

If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
If the answer is “no”, then check out the South corner of your house/room.
If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the South corner.

Q- How are your relationships?

Do you have a happy, fulfilling relationship with your family, your spouse, your friends?  

  • If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
  • If the answer is “no”, then check out the South-West corner of your house/room.
  • If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the South-West corner.

Q- How is your relationship with your children?

Do you have a good and happy relationship with your children?
Are you able to translate your ideas into reality?  

If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
If the answer is “no”, then check out the West corner of your house/room.
If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the West corner

    Q- How caring and helpful are you?

Do people (family, friends, relatives, acquaintances) turn to you for help? For support? For advice?
Do they in turn step forward to help you?

  • If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
  • If the answer is “no”, then check out the North-West corner of your house/room.
  • If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the North –West corner.

Q- How do you feel about yourself?

Do you feel fortunate? Do you feel blessed?
Do you feel that inspite of everything that life has dished out, you are in a good place?

If the answer is “yes”, then we’re o.k.
If the answer is “no”, then check out the Centre sector of your house/room.
If the answer is “maybe”, or “not sure”- then you still need to check out the Centre of your house/ room.

The best way to energize any corner is to have regular activity there.
Have some music. Dance. Play. Basically, use that corner regularly.
A little incense, an aroma oil, some bells are also auspicious.
So is hanging a faceted crystal which catches the light.
One of my personal favorites is to hang a wind chime.

We hope you are enjoying this series – Please leave us a comment below and share it with your friends who you feel would find this helpful.

For a personalized Feng Shui or Astro- Vastu consultation please contact us at isheeriashealingcircles@gmail.com or drop us a message on Instagram at: Instagram.com/1.isheeria

NEXT WEEK:  YOUR ALTAR (Personal Altar)