Welcome to Isheeria’s Healing Circles.
 Welcome to October & the beginning of the change in the weather! I Love this time when winters aren’t quite yet here, and there is a bit of a nip in the air  [sce emoji=”happy“/] [sce emoji=”pumpkin”/] and the festival of Lights just round the corner! [sce emoji=”diya”/] Â
I have noticed that everything in Life has patterns – Life, History, People, Weather, and Designs – Everything repeats itself, and therein lies the beauty.
Do you remember how often our elders would advise us when dealing with people to notice – that once is an incident, twice is a coincidence, and thrice is a pattern – and this is what we need to be aware and alert of! I have seen a bit of a pattern emerge in my own life lately, and writing this post has been a great excuse to think about it, and what it teaches me about the people around me, and myself.Â
While I work here at Isheeria’s helping people re-design their lives through the esoteric arts, one of the patterns I see is the magic of transformation – When the person realises and lets go of their old thoughts and patterns and allows for the creation of a new reality – The emergence of a new life-affirming pattern.
It is beautiful, like a butterfly discovering it’s own wings!  [sce emoji=”blush“/] and indeed, you can see much change can be brought about in one’s Life with the change in the patterns one follows.
On a Lighter note, Did you know I love embroidery! and Art, and I am probably as novice as a novice can get! But frankly, there is a joy to working with colorful threads and a coarse piece of fabric – watching a design emerge with the repetition of a pattern! Â

I love how the repetition of simple patterns can create something whimsical & Happy!
Do you like this design? Should I try it out?
Patterns in Sewing are a God-Send! I always get my count of boxes mixed up and end with a disproportionate design! So, I always rely on a pattern to help me create.
There are infinite patterns and infinite designs that you can create – All you need to do is take a moment to decide which patterns you want.

I adore this design of colorful flowers! Â Â The Patterns are easily available online.
What patterns do you see in your Life? Is there one which is a hobby, like mine is?Â
 I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging ChallengeÂ
Oh yes, I use patterns all the time when I create cards. See my post for the challenge! Pattern – #1 in ProBlogger Challenge
I adore embroidery too and its ages since I picked up the needle. You should take this up. Pattern sewing is soothing and relaxing. I am trying to learn crochet. Any art form is a healer.
I love to do create patterns using embroidery too…it used to be one of my favorite way to utilize my time before I became a mommy…
Keep up the good work by helping people in re designing their lives with beautiful patterns of transformation 🙂
Oh yes. These patterns are really good to add colours to one’s life, instantly. I used to do Quilling and loved it. Quilling made me crazy for it. It is one art form I can never ever get enough of. Cheers!
I love embroidery .Its very relaxing.You should try the flowers .They suit you .Loved the thing abput humans and patterns.You have an MBA? Otherwise I have actually heard a famous entrepreneur speak about patterns in human mistakes.
I love embroidery and crochet, there is something rhythmic about weaving a pattern. Loved reading your blog
my life pattern is constant change. nothing would remain same in my life. no plan would work. i have changed 5 houses in 5 year and changed 3 countries. also i would have loved to see your own embroidery so what if you feel its not perfect. its still yours and beautiful
Patterns are great for learning; be it embroidery or life! I recently noticed a certain pattern in the kind of men I had been dating and the same experiences I was having with them all; I paused to reflect and realised what I am doing there! I thank the universe for the consciousness to hit on the pattern and see it for what it was!! Loved that elephant pattern and if you do try that out, pls show!!!
Pattern of something negative breeds negativity. And patterns of embroidery add beauty to life.
I’ve never heard of that saying before, but now that I think about it, it makes so much sense. Loved it!
I love listening to music . The different patterns the keys create is just magic